Monday, June 27, 2011

A PARTIAL list of potential side effects from Psychiatric Drug Withdrawals (warning: VERY LONG)

Symptoms List
Our thanks to Ray Nimmo, Irene Mazis and others from the benzo egroup for allowing us to use their valuable information.
4. TOLERANCE EFFECTS (including toxicity)

- aggression
- anxiety
- agoraphobia
- apathy
- ataxia
- breathlessness
- chest discomfort and tightness
- choking
- constipation
- convulsions (muscle usually)
- dental pain
- depersonalisation
- depression
- derealisation
- diarrhoea
- distortion of body image, misperceptions
- dry, itchy skin
- ‘electric shock’ feelings throughout the body
- dysphoria
- excitability
- fasciculations
- flushing
- formication
- head sensations
- heart palpitations
- hyperacusis
- hypersensitivity to stimuli
- hyperpyrexia (overheating)
- hyperventilation (overbreathing)
- insomnia
- intrusive thoughts
- irrational rage
- irritability
- jumpiness
- metallic taste
- nausea
- nightmares
- obsessions
- panic attacks
- perceptual disturbances and distortions
- photosensitivity
- psychotic symptoms (usually transient and confined to rapid withdrawal)
- restlessness
- seizures (on abrupt discontinuation)
- sensory disruption
- scalp burning
- sore tongue
- sweating, night sweats
- tinnitus
- tremor
- vomiting
- weakness, ‘jelly legs’
- weight loss (this may be quite rapid)

Symptoms usually confined to ‘cold turkey’ or rapid withdrawal from high doses of benzodiazepines:
- seizures
- fits
- confusion
- delirium
- psychotic symptoms

- anxiety
- aching joints
- ataxia
- allergic reactions
- back pain
- blepharospasm (eye twitching)
- breast pain
- apathy
- constipation (often alternating with diarrhoea)
- cravings
- dehydration
- dental pain
- depersonalisation
- depression
- derealisation
- diarrhoea (often alternating with constipation)
- dry, tickly cough
- dysphagia
- fluctuations in blood pressure
- ‘electric shock’ feelings throughout the body
- fasciculations
- formication (sensation of bugs crawling over skin)
- gait disturbance (the ground seems to move underfoot)
- gastritis
- glassy eyes
- hair loss
- heartburn
- heart palpitations
- heavy flu-like symptoms
- hyperaesthesia (sensitivity to stimuli)
- insomnia
- iris colour changes
- leukonychea (whitening of nails)
- libidinal changes
- malabsorption
- menstrual irregularity
- muscular rigidity
- muscular spasms
- myoclonic convulsions (muscle/nerve spasms)
- nausea
- neurological problems (topical nerve anaesthesia)
- nose bleeds
- oedema (especially of ankles and face)
- oesophagitis
- paraesthesiae (numbing, burning and tingling; pins and needles)
- poor concentration
- poor short-term memory
- perspiring, night sweats
- severe headaches
- sinusitis
- skin insensitivity
- sore, itchy eyes
- spine (burning sensation)
- stomach cramps
- thirst
- thrush-like symptoms
- tremor
- tinnitus
- tiny pupils
- urinary problems (bladder either ‘all on’ or ‘all off’)
- vertigo
- visual disturbances (blurred, double, vivid)
- vomiting
- water retention

- agitation
- aggressive behaviour
- anxiety
- breathlessness
- excitability
- fear
- hostility
- hyperactivity
- irrational rage
- insomnia
- nervousness
- nightmares, vivid dreams
- phobias
- restlessness
- restless legs, arms
- sleep disturbance
- tension
- tremor
- panic attacks

4. TOLERANCE EFFECTS (including toxicity)
:- anxiety
- apnea (night)
- breathlessness
- dyspnea (breathing problems)
- fibrositis
- fatigue
- gait disturbance
- impotence
- leaden heaviness
- lethargy
- libido disturbances
- loss of self-confidence
- menstrual irregularity
- neurological problems
- panic attacks
- phobias
- severe muscle rigidity
- short-term memory impairment
- vasovagal attacks
- vertigo

- anti-social behaviour
- apathy
- bradycardia (slow heartbeat/pulse)
- breast enlargement
- chemical sensitivities, allergies
- dry, itchy skin
- depression
- dysphoria
- fatigue
- flu-like symptoms
- hair loss
- impairment of motor co-ordination
- lethargy
- mild hypertension
- nausea
- oedema
- shivering
- speech difficulty
- thyroid disturbances
- water retention
- weight gain
- xeroderma (dry skin)


- bradycardia (slow heartbeat/pulse)
- fluctuations in blood pressure
- mild hypertension
- shivering, feelings of extreme cold or hot
- heart palpitation

- allergic reactions
- chemical sensitivities
- dry, itchy skin
- dry throat, sore tongue, thrush
- formications (sensation of crawling on skin)
- glassy eyes
- hair loss
- leukonychea (whitening of nails)
- nosebleeds
- oedema
- paraesthesiae (numbness, tingling)
- perspiring, night sweats
- rashes, blotches

- bladder incontinence
- constipation (sometimes alternating with diarrhoea)
- diarrhoea
- dyspepsia (indigestion)
- gastritis
- heartburn
- malabsorption
- nausea
- oesophagitis
- stomach cramps

- impotence
- libido disturbances
- menstrual irregularities
- urinary problems (continence or incontinence)
- encopressia (faecal incontinence)

- aching joints
- back pain
- blepharospasm (eye twitches)
- fasciculations (muscle twitches)
- formication (sensations of bugs crawling on skin)
- gait disturbance
- jaw, tooth, neck and shoulder pain
- muscle wasting
- muscle spasms
- rapid weight loss
- severe headaches
- severe muscle rigidity
- spine (burning sensation)
- tremor or feeling of inner vibration
- vertigo

- blurred vision, seeing spots, flashes, vivid vision
- bruxism (teeth grinding)
- dysphagia (difficulty eating or swallowing)
- ‘electric shock’ feelings
- fatigue, leaden heaviness
- hypersensitivity to light, sound, and other stimuli
- neurological problems (e.g. topical anaesthesia)
- severe muscle rigidity
- speech difficulty
- thirst
- tinnitus (ear buzzing, popping, ringing, hissing)
- tiny pupils
- tremor

- agitation
- aggressive behaviour
- anxiety
- breathlessness
- excitability
- fear
- hostility
- hyperactivity
- irrational rage
- insomnia
- nervousness
- nightmares, vivid dreams
- phobias
- restlessness

- apathy
- anxiety
- delirium
- depersonalisation
- depression
- derealisation
- distortions or hallucinations
- dysphoria (inability to feel pleasure or happiness)
- fear
- hyperventilation
- hyperreflexia (‘jumpiness’)
- hypnagogic hallucinations (sleepwalking)
- lack of concentration
- loss of self-confidence
- nightmares
- obsessions
- paranoia
- phobias (hydrophobia, agoraphobia, monophobia, acrophobia, anthropophobia & others)
- rapid mood changes
- suicidal thoughts
- short-term memory impairment

- breathlessness
- choking
- dry, tickly cough
- dyspnea (breathing difficulty)
- hyperventilation (overbreathing)
- inability to draw satisfying breath
- night apnea
- sinusitis

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